Manual de OruxMaps 9.x (Español)

OruxMaps Manual 9.x (English)

OruxMaps 8.x (Italian version)

OruxMaps 8.x (Français) By: René

OruxMaps 8.x (Français) By: Joseph

OruxMaps Course (zh-TW)

Manual de OruxMaps (Español)

OruxMaps Manual (English)

Tutorial (Français) By: Guillaume LAURENS

OruxMaps Croatian By: Denis

Oruxmaps(Japanese) By: Ujatam

OruxMaps Kullanım Kılavuzu (Türkçe) By: O. Ofluoglu

OruxMaps (Finnish) By: Jouko

OruxMaps (Croatian translation of OM or Marc's tuto) By: Rusvaj

OruxMaps (Chinese) By: leleji

Hiking with OruxMaps (English) 2013-09-23By: Marc Torbey

OruxMaps (Português) By: LandLousã

OruxMaps (Руководство пользователя) By: Yuri

OruxMaps (Korean) By: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

OruxMaps (Korean) By: Ujatam

Handleiding OruxMaps (Dutch) By: Frans Bönig

OruxMaps Handbuch (Deutsch) By: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

OruxMaps (Slovakai) By: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



If you want to contribute with the translation to other language, contact with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


OruxMaps, other tutorials.

OruxMaps does not incorporate maps for offline browsing, you have to create/search for your own maps. Use these manuals for map creation.

Tutorial using MAPC2MAPC64 to calibrate maps (updated 15-06-2016)

OruxMapsDesktop manual. (updated 03-oct-2010)

Manual de OruxMapsDesktop (Spanish). News: support to .okm maps. (updated 21-jan-2012)

HOWTO create maps from scratch with MOBAC. (updated 07-feb-2010)

How to make maps for your trips, along a track; the efficient way, with MOBAC. (Thanks to Phillip Harris) (updated 19-jun-2011)

GERMAN HOWTO create maps for OruxMaps with mac (Thanks to brotbuexe!). (updated 23-APR-2010)

Jsigpac manual (spanish online maps source). (updated 02-jul-2009)

HOWTO .kap maps (nautical charts) (updated 07-feb-2010)

HOWTO FAA maps. (updated 07-feb-2010)

HOWTO BSB Raster maps. (updated 07-feb-2011)

Umwandlung von BSB Raster Charts. (updated 07-feb-2011)

Ako vytvoriť mapu do navigácie. (updated 02-aug-2011)

Tutorial about geocaching along a route. Thanks to Phillip Harris (updated 21-ene-2012)


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